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Portable Music Player Battery


Portable Music Player Battery

I am trying to order a new battery for my VGF AP1L Music Player

The support number i have been given 08702402408 says that my unit is out of warranty (which is correct) and that if i want to speak to someone i need to pay 35p a minute.

I have done that (after trying no less than 10 other numbers they gave me) and they now say that I must pay for a technician to replace the battery even though they cant provide a quote or do it in a resonable amount of time. No one can supply the battery. Given that the only reason I bought this was because it was advertised as user changeable - requiring a screwdriver,

Does anyone know where i could source a replacement battery?



Welcome to the forum.

You can find contact details at Vaio-Link


You can only get the batteries from Sony as far as I know.

You can undo the small phillips screws and remove it yourself but I don't think you'll be able to replace it with anything.

This is an example of a CKP1 which may (or may not) have the same battery arrangement as yours.


Here is what i posted back in March of this year after i had problems with my battery:

My 40GB player is still under warranty until May this year so i phoned them up to see if the battery can be replaced( i only get about 4 hours playback and its been like this since i bought it). i was told that batterys are not covered, so i asked how much they cost to buy...
after being put on hold for a little while i was told they cannot send me one out as Sony dont support us changing batterys and i would have to send the player in to Sony to get it changed, i then asked how much this would cost. i was then hit with the price of £219, my god i could buy a video mp4 player for that and have change, this is shocking and im never buying sony again.

anyone else had any problems with the battery??


hello there,

i was bored so did a google search, after an hour searching I found this site:

they have a replacement battery a $77.20 which is cheaper than a new player, especially given the current £ to $ exchange rate.

hope this is useful for you. have a good christmas

Microbat :smileygrin:


It's interesting that you can buy the battery - but what do we make of the warning about needing special tools and skills to replace it?

The instruction are for removal and DISPOSAL of the battery and make no reference to reconnecting a new battery and what, if any, special equipment may be required to perhaps "reset & reboot " the player!
Has anyone taken the screws out of the battery compartment to see if you can access the battery easily?

or better still has anyone ever tried to disconnect the battery and then reconnect it.

I guess it would be a brave man would try?


Thanks for your replies

I found the battery on zbattery and have ordered it. They were quite happy to post one to the UK but i had to order it via fax rather than over the internet.

I also found the battery available on Sony US own parts distribution site for $50 but they refused to deliver it to the UK.

Given that they are doing an ipod on me with the battery i doubt i will purchase sony again especially as they lied when i bought it and said i would be able to buy a replacement battery.

If i had the time and money i would do what ipod users did which is take them to court. Unforturnatley not enough of these were sold to make the threat of large numbers threatening legal action make Sony UK pull there finger out.

£219 for a replacement is theft, plain and simple especially considering how easy it is to replace the battery (which is why i bought it).


I'll be interested in how you get on changing the battery.

I think that maybe we should all send an email to SONY stating our disgust at their inability to source a battery from the UK and the extortionate price of a replacement via the official repair channel.
I think there are probably more VAIO pocket users out there than you realise - but I agree no where near ipod numbers.
So in the abscence of any large scale lobby , maybe we could appeal to SONY's better nature.
After all we are only after a ruddy lithium ion battery at a reasonable price for goodness sake.
Or a replacement service that isn't a rip off.

The key will be sending the email to the right person or email address to stand any chance of a reaction from SONY

Anyone got any ideas?