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saftly remeoving from the cradle


saftly remeoving from the cradle

How do i know when its safe to remove my pocket vaio from the cradle. it doesnt seem to tell you anywhere. thanks


I think as soon as the music has finished transferring on sonicstaghe you can remove the VP from the cradle.

There's a little grey/green icon in the bottom right corner of your windows screen. If you right-click on it, it says 'safely remove hardware'. If you click on this and choose to 'stop' the USB mass storage device which corresponds to the Vaio Pocket, it will disengage the pocket and stop sending/receiving data from it. Now you can unplug it or take it out of the cradle. If a message comes up saying 'cannot be stopped right now', it means you should wait a bit. Just unplugging the USB device at this point could corrupt the data on it.