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sony after sales service


sony after sales service

I have purchased a new RA304 about 9 weeks ago and i am very disapointed with the service offered by Sony now that the letter I on my keyboard has given up the ghost after just one week. they wont just exchange the keyboard as i would have expected, OH no i have to send everything back to them for a diagnostic test(pathetic), is this the norm for something like this, even the mouse has now started playing up.
i have purchased Sony goods for years and have spent numerous thousands on cinema systems, plasma screens, HDD etc and have never had anything go wrong, if this is the way they treat loyal customers to the brand by requesting stupid things i may have to look at broadening my horizons with my next purchase, after all its only a letter I, just send me a new keyboard for gods sake. please.


Sounds about right but doesn't make it right.

Bureaucracy gone mad!


Sounds about right but doesn't make it right.

Bureaucracy gone mad!

I have now gone back to the store i purchased it from John Lewis and must say they have been realy good, even though their not in a position to just exchange the keyboard they have let me use one of their own keyboards for the time being and are prepared to send a freelance engineer to my house to run a diagnostics(so they told me last week) and have phoned me numerous times to keep me updated with progress reports. Sony should take a leaf out of their book the after sale service is very good.


I have now gone back to the store i purchased it from John Lewis and must say they have been realy good, 

That's why I have always recomended John Lewis.
Well done John Lewis. :clap: You have another happy customer.

That's good of them

Pretty poor service though from Sony.... but thats no suprise about the "send everything back" idea


Sony couldn't give a rodent's back-side how happy their customers are...

That very eloquently sums it all up.:smileygrin:

Why, thank you! :smileygrin: Thought I'd keep it clean! :wink:

Is it 5 years on TV's now? Wow! I never really look, I usualy make a bee-line for the PC section and lurk around for a while!

I know I bought a Pioneer CD/MD system from them a few years back and that was 2 years warrenty, so I guess they've extended it now then? Even so, it's still better than the 1 year you usualy get from *other* retailers. And it sure beats paying extortionate money for an "extended warrenty" you almost never claim on!


That's good of them

Pretty poor service though from Sony.... but thats no suprise about the "send everything back" idea

I damaged a USB cable whilst changing the CPU fan on my desktop (involved removing the MOBO)

Sony's response - Can't sell you the part but you can send the unit back for repair.

and thats out of warranty..

I will live with my damaged but useable cable


John Lewis is THE best place for electronics. 2 year warrenty on everything! FanTAStic!

I bought an ex-display Samsung notebook from them and, after a couple of weeks, the hard drive failed. They sent if off to Samsung, who promptly lost it! Meanwhile, JL had loaned me an HP, which was OK, but really huge. When Samsung couldn't find my notebook, JL offered me the HP which I turned down as it wasn't what I needed, so they gave me a brand-spanking-new Samsung Q10, which had better specs than the one that got lost! That was over 3 years ago and I'm using it now to write this! Best service full stop!

I bought my Vaio from them since I'd become friendly with the staff on the computer section and knew that they'd go out of their way if I had any problems with it.

I've never had any problems with any of my Sony products, but it seems to me that many people have had and they all have the same problems with Sony's customer service department. It's a wonder that Sony aren't loosing loyal customers left, right and centre considering the poor feedback they're getting on sites such as this. I'm on the PS2/PSP forums and the same problem persists with thier SCEE products. It's a real shame as they're slipping fast down my list of trusted electronics manufactures. They're gaining on Yamada at the bottom of said list! :laughing: No, I jest, it's not THAT bad... yet!

Still, I hope that John Lewis can sort out your problem 'I' key as it seems that Sony couldn't give a rodent's back-side how happy their customers are...


Sony couldn't give a rodent's back-side how happy their customers are...

That very eloquently sums it all up.:smileygrin:


John Lewis is THE best place for electronics. 2 year warrenty on everything! FanTAStic! 

Good to hear positive feedback about JL from another user in this forum

(5 year warranty for the Sony TV's and 3 year warranty for Sony monitors.)