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How do I disconnect the touchpad when a mouse is connected to a Vaio VPCEC? It should be an option in Control Panel but its not.
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Hi gegie45,
does this help.?
Press the Windows key (and hold down) & press the R key.
This should bring up the Run window.
Copy and paste - C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\VCCPointingDevice.exe into the Run window and press OK.
Hopefully this should bring up the Built in Pointing Device window and allow you to disable the touchpad.
If so then to make this process simpler in the future you could place a shortcut to VCCPointingDevice.exe onto your desktop..:smileywink:
I have included a guide on the process should you need it to create a shortcut..
1. Right-click an open area on the desktop, point to New, and then click Shortcut.
2. Click Browse.
3. Goto C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series and then select VCCPointingDevice.exe from the list of files, then click OK and then click Next.
4. Rename the shortcut to something more use friendly and click Finish.
Hi gegie45,
does this help.?
Press the Windows key (and hold down) & press the R key.
This should bring up the Run window.
Copy and paste - C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\VCCPointingDevice.exe into the Run window and press OK.
Hopefully this should bring up the Built in Pointing Device window and allow you to disable the touchpad.
If so then to make this process simpler in the future you could place a shortcut to VCCPointingDevice.exe onto your desktop..:smileywink:
I have included a guide on the process should you need it to create a shortcut..
1. Right-click an open area on the desktop, point to New, and then click Shortcut.
2. Click Browse.
3. Goto C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series and then select VCCPointingDevice.exe from the list of files, then click OK and then click Next.
4. Rename the shortcut to something more use friendly and click Finish.
Many thanks for your quick reply.
There is no VCCPointingDevice.exe on my Vaio VPCECISE, the nearest is C\:Programfiles(86)sony\settingutilityseries\VCCMouseButton.exe and I have already searched for the correct app within that without success.
In the past on Dell systems I have been able to resolve the problem by getting a program to do so on either the keyboard or touchpad makers site but I just cant find one that works on the Sony.
the application name may have changed..:smileyconfused:
Not to worry you should still be able to disable/enable the touch pad via the VAIO Control Center..:smileywink:
But thats just it - there isn't an option to "Disable touch pad when USB mouse connected" and as I can't be the only user who needs this option any further sugggestion would be appreciated..........
there isn't an option to "Disable touch pad when USB mouse connected"
You are correct there is not an option to disable the touch pad when a USB mouse is connected but there should be an option to disable/enable the mouse..
You'll have to do this manually every time you connect or disconnect the USB mouse.
Yes, thats what I have been doing but it seems inconceivable that is the answer. We're talking serious money for the Vaio and for Sony not to have provided this basic tweak means I wont now proceed to buy their desktops.
Hasn't anyone out there solved this problem by an up or downgrade to the pad or mouse?
Hasn't anyone out there solved this problem by an up or downgrade to the pad or mouse?
Sorry that I can't find what your looking for..
I have tried searching around the net in the past but unfortunately my first post was the only solution that we have been able to find up till now..
You could try doing a google for yourself if you wish and also check with vaio support but I doubt they will have anything better to offfer..:smileysad:
I'll try to indentify the actual pad software and ask the make if they have a fix and will post it here if they do.
Many thanks for your suggestions
Many thanks for your suggestions
You're welcome, good luck..:smileyhappy: