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can any one help with this one?
My rx406 can not see the f DVD-RW drive and each time I boot up the pc windows installer trys to load record now dx. It then asks to load from C:\Remove \record nowDX\ . A message then pops up stating The path C:\Remove \record nowDX\mycdpro.msi Can not be found. Verify you have access to ths location. It then asks for the insallation disk.
I dont know if this makes any sence to anyone.
I have tried to recover the pc to the shipping factory settings but I get a message stating the drive is too small
thank for any help
Hi Jimbo,
Uninstall RecordNow and reinstall it, then Windows should have no issue finding the drive.
thanks Kee
but record now came bundled with the pc I dont have a Record now disk to reinstall.
I only have the Sony product recovery disks
Check the recovery CDs for the program, you might find it.
no luck m8