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VGC LA1 Wireless Keyboard

VGC LA1 Wireless Keyboard

I recently spilt some coffee on the wireless keyboard of my VGC LA1. It is now useless as when switching it on the screen shows Computer/Control Panel/Ease of Use prog and will not respond to further key strokes. The progs show in the bar at the bottom of the screen and keep flashing. I presume the coffee is bridging contacts on the printed circuit board. As the keys are fitted directly to this circuit board I do not feel confident enough to dismantle them. Sony do not repair these keyboards apparently only sell new ones at about £100. Anyone have any ideas to cure this problem, or where someone may help.


Hi robsul and welcome.

I think these keyboard units are sealed and not really repairable.

I suppose it is the Sony replacement at £100 or the third party alternatives which are USB Dongle keyboards. These are fairly cheap but perhaps less aesthetically pleasing.



Hi there. I had a similar experiience (with rum and coke) and my keyboard. I too have established that these keyboards are not repairable and was quoted over £100 from sony to replace it. I will add your thread to my favorites so if i come across a solution I will let you know. Good luck