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VGP-WKB1/G Wireless Keyboard drivers and compatability with desktop PCV-V1/G


VGP-WKB1/G Wireless Keyboard drivers and compatability with desktop PCV-V1/G

Can a Sony wireless keyboard touch pad VGP-WKB1/G be connected to PCV-V1/G Desktop which normally comes with wireless keyboard PCVA-KB6/G and PCVA-MS2 mouse. Will the desktop detect the keyboard without any new drivers or would I need to install new drivers. I will appreciate help in this. Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi Hasnain786 and welcome to Club Vaio.

Do you have the USB 2.4 GHz RF receiver VGP-WRC1 that comes with the VGP-WKB1 keyboard? (See below). If so that should work as it uses the generic drivers KBDCLASS.SYS AND KBDHID.SYS and for the mouse MOUCLASS.SYS AND MOUHID.SYS and should be Plug-n-Play.

The PCV-V1 has the 2.4GHz RF receiver built in and needs the specific wireless desktop driver to be installed and I don't think you will find out if the two will "Connect" until you try it!!
