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Single flac per album support on the NW-A45

Single flac per album support on the NW-A45


Can someone confirm me that the NW-45 supports FLAC files that embeddes several tracks? I mean a single FLAC file that contains the entire album tracks. I want to be sure that the player will offer the capbility to play tracks individually. That the tracks will be listed seperatly into the libreray? Can someone confirm me?


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Hi exxos_, 

Welcome to the community. 

I'll just see if I can find some answers for you. In the meantime though, another community member might have some ideas. 



Hi Pascale,


I would think it is unlikely. The Sony driver software would have to detect some kind of track data at the top of the file and also within the file in the gaps between the songs. I don't know if it has such a capability but even if it did your files would need to have been created with the correct data in place for the driver software to detect.


It's a bit of work but if you can find a sound file editor for your computer you can slice your files up into the individual songs and then load them like that, inside a folder labelled with the name of the album. You can use a free application called Audacity, available for both Macs and PCs to do this if you feel like trying. Or ask somebody else to do it for you, if you don't.


A few years ago I had some LPs converted to digital (WAV) files by somebody. He did not bother to divide the tracks - each LP came back in the form of an A and a B file, one each for the two sides of the vinyl disc. I now play these on my digital walkman - it cannot see more than one file, so it cannot see separate tracks. I have to admit I don't mind, but if I did the answer would be to edit the files by cutting them up and naming the resulting track files separately. However my case may be different from yours if your files were mastered with software made for Sony Walkman products - I am new to this whole digital walkman thing, so I don't know if that's an option. What I can tell you is that remastered vinyl sounds terrific through a digital walkman, and actually makes the case for the overall superiority of analogue over digital recording - there is a solidity about the sound, a realness, that makes the extraordinary clarity and cleanness of digital Hi-Res files feel slightly synthetic and disembodied by comparison. 


Good luck!


Paul (live4sound)

Thank you for additional information. The FLAC file I planne to use, has a header with metadata about each tracks. This header discribes where into the file the tracks start and finish. The question is still about the capability to this player to navigate through this header.

Can someone confirm that this player is compliant with FLAC file that embeds several tracks (whole album)? Is this player will make see individual tracks?

Hi exxos_ ,


That might not be completely guaranteed. I understand that this model supports FLAC, but I cannot see anywhere in the Manual that it supports FLAC files that contain album tracks.I'd suggest that you try to test the Walkman through any authorized Sony store


