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WF-1000 XM3 Terrible CAll quality!!

WF-1000 XM3 Terrible CAll quality!!

I have problems with the new Sony WF-1000XM3 call quality. People can hardly hear me when I make a phone call through them. This has became more of an issue after updating to the newest software. Pretty angry with that, although they sound perfectly and nice noise cancellation. Any help?!


Hi @sherifshaarawy  and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


As the issue seems to have become worse since an update, it may be worth you resetting your 

ear buds.

You may have tried already, but just in case Here are the reset instructions.

If there is no difference then I would contact Support about this.


Contact details here


Hope this helps.

Experiencing the same problems as you. I called Sony Support today and they kept asking me to repeat myself because they couldn't hear me when I was using their earbuds clipboard_image_0.png

They told me to return them so I did and received a new pair... can't say they were any better. Perhaps a little but still very bad. Everything else seems to be working great but the call quality (microphone) is utter crap, to that degree that it is useless. Going to return theses and take my money elsewhere it Sony does not solve this soon!
Using a Google Pixel 3 and I have updated the earbuds to 1.3.0. Tried factory reset and all other tricks.

I have done all the resets. No change in the call quality. Thanks for your help!!

I've contacted the customer support today. I was told to send them back to the service centre, together with the receipt. I'm not sure if they would replace them or if they would try to solve the problem? I will keep you all posted.

Returned mine last friday and recieved a new pair from the same shop (probably the same batch).

Haven't had time to evaluate them but first impressions is that they might be a little better but not sure yet.

Might just be wishful thinking ...or hearing :slight_smile: 

Still think Sony needs to step in here and either fix this or at least come clean and tell us that the call quality for their top end earbuds sucks!

Hi @sherifshaarawy


Sorry the reset wasn't enough to fix it, but glad to hear that

Sony are going to sort them out for you.


Thanks to all the other posters in the thread too, keep us posted as to what happens.



Just An Update:


I have called Sony customer support 10 days ago using the headphones. The customer service representative didn't hear a thing!! then switched to the phone and explained that this was my complaint with the new headphones. He advised me to send them to Sony support via a prepaid royal mail service ( by Sony). I have received an email on Sunday stating that the Repair!! is taking more than expected!! tried to call couldn't get back through, emailed with no replies!? 

I'm still waiting for them to fix this issue. I loved the sound quality and the noise-cancelling, but the Call quality was terrible. I have switched back to my Bose QC35ii, which has much better call quality.

Hi all,


There are a couple of work-arounds to resolve (err mitigate) this issue.


Workaround 1:   Change the NC setting when making a phone call to no NC, and tick the "Focus on Voice" tick-box, this helps greatly improve the voice quality


Workaround 2:  While talking in a noisy environment, grab your left ear-bud and put it in front of your mouth and use it like a Microphone.. (it defies the point of having a wireless headset, but at least the call-voice quality improves)


Right now I switch to my Jabra wired headset to make business calls, nothing beats a microphone in front of my mouth and no matter how noisy the environment, my voice comes up crystal clear

...thank you but one should not need workarounds for using a headset at this price range.

Have returned it and bought a set of JayBird Tarah Pro. Works just fine for a fraction of the price.