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SV Fit 15" (SVF15A1M2ES) CPU whine issue



I purchased a new Sony Vaio Fit 15" yesterday. Immediately after plugging the machine to power and initiating a first boot I noticed an audible, strange noise emitting from the left part of the keyboard, where the CPU resides. The noise is distinct from a regular cooling fan operation sound, and can be heard even when the CPU is under low stress. The sound is continuous and increases in tone when more performance capacity is used, but the pitch is greater than the cooling fan sound at all levels of operation.

The sound can only be characterized as abnormal and indicative of a flaw related to CPU components. There is another SVF model vaio laptop (key difference intel i7 CPU) in my household and it never produced such sound, so I am totally convinced that there is a problem. As I said before, the sound is very distinct from the regular cooling fan hum, and can be heard clearly over it at all levels of operation.


At times when the laptop is in idle mode the whine dissappears but returns as soon as I do anything. 



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