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79X9005B passive 3D motion blur

Hi all,


I'm finding the 3D on the 79X9005B to be faulty.

Seems there's a lot of motion blur in fast moving scenes.


There's a thread on the U.S. forums about the passive 3D on the X850B having the same issue.


A user (rconn2), has found by having a PC send a 3D image that has been interleaved, and outputted at 4k (basically what the TV does with 3D), that the motion blur doesn't happen at all. This works as the PC is alternating pixel rows between the polarised left and right image so the TV is just displaying a 4k image and doesn't need to do any 3D processing itself.


Can Sony address this please?


Support are finally offering to send out an engineer, what I don't want is to waste time when they come. Can others with the set post here if they have similar issues.

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