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Hello. I'm XZ Premium user. It's official Korean Sale version.
Main problem is that restoring Messages and CallLog is not working properly via companion ( PC ). Xperia Companion
only the part of the data is visible and usable!!
following is the detail of the situation.
What's wrong sony..??
official PC tool can't do backup and restore ??
Developers should fix it as soon as possible...
talk about more about situation.
Backup by companion seems work OK...maybe
Companion properly transferred data to the phone...?? I don't know... but
All the process was done by using
Companion ( v ) and XZP ( build 45.0.A.7.90 ) is up to date.
Stock Android Messages app.
I have all the logs of companion, back up xml files ( in companion backup folder ) , whatever you want to.
Plz let me know what to do next....
I will never do back up and restore via PC companion..... it's really bad and unstable tool
Using mobile in-app for backup is the only reliable solution.
My Backup with companion was the only one I did, now my XPERIA is reseted, I can't do inside Backup... Only 30% of messages have been restored, and only older SMS, I lost all recent SMS... I just can read the file "messages.xml" from my backup... but they are not on my phone.... GRRRRR
Sorry to hear....use SMS Backup Restore from the play store. You can schedule automatic backups of all texts and phone call logs and have them store locally (not recommended) on Google Drive, or DropBox. Check it out.
Thank you
The third party will be great be a great insurance.
After writing original posts...
I've backed up my SMS & call history in multiple ways.
one in the google drive, one in the SD card, one in the PC......
Sadly. I don't trust PC companion as a perfect solution.
the xperia campanion has fewer features than the old pc campanion - a decent third party app will allow you to manage eveythign liek the old suite did - try mobile go it costs a few quid but its worth it