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Double tap to wake not working properly


Double tap to wake not working properly

Set the phone up and everything is great but double tap to wake works 1 out of every 5 times. Definitely something is wrong there.

With the Sony launcher double tap to sleep works fine so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

I tested this with the stock Sony launcher and Nova enabled and both have the same issue.

This isn't my phone obviously, but this is similar to how my phone is behaving:

I tried it with the phone in my hand, and also laying flat on a table.
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Just to add, on the ight off chance that my screen protector was the culprit I removed it this evening and still no joy.. There is some issue with the deep sleep of the screen...

Doesn't work very well for me too. I have to give it a rapid x10 tap and maybe it turns on the screen.

I gave up and went back to the power button.


I've just received some information on what may cause this and how to best use this feature.

You might experience that your device sometimes doesn't wake up when you tap on it. The solution is to try these steps one after the other. Check whether the problem was solved after each step, before trying the next one.

  • Delay tapping the screen until it has been turned off for some seconds.
  • Tap the center of the screen.
  • Place the device in your hand and double tap the screen.
  • Try to double tap slowly.
  • Tap the screen three times.

I'm getting better results Rickard from your suggestions.

Thanks for the reply Rickard. Although you've not mentioned what may cause this from the start of your reply?

I was hoping that we would get a definitive answer on whether this is hardware or software related from the logs you received from us?

If hardware related I will just go to retailer for replacement.

Unfortunately the steps mentioned don't make any difference to me as the key thing is, the display isn't recognising double taps all the time as others are finding too.

What was the outcome from our logs?



Just to add as mentioned before, double tap to sleep works perfect every double tap, tapping all over the homescreen wherever there is a space, not just in one place.

Has double tap to wake been set with randomised sensitivity per handset? As double tap to sleep seems to be consistently perfect for everyone?

The advised steps make zero difference for me, my phone either wakes up or it doesn't. Sometimes it takes two or three light taps but MUCH more often than not it takes several (10-20) frenetic taps. Can we have confirmation whether this is a hardware or software fault?

I am getting reloading/refreshing of Chrome browser tabs and only have a few hundred Mb of RAM free most times. Is 3GB enough or is there some optimisation to be done?

I'm really struggling with this phone; what with the double-tap to wake fault, minimum in-call volume being too high even on the lowest setting, the screen timing out whilst taking calls using speakerphone, RAM management issues, noise in photos and battery life not being too stellar!

Test chome in >>> safe mode


I got the same problem. I tried some XZs in Mediamarkt. They are not 100percent precise either but better than mine. I removed my glass protector. It's better but not enough. I entered service menu and checked pressure censor. I think it's the problem. Pressure censor should work with the software properly. If the censor outcome dont match with software income it's not gonna work. I think it's software problem. Every units pressure censor can be a little different and that makes the difference, some works and some doesn't. It's gonna be okay soon with the software update i hope. English is not my main language. Sorry for mistakes.