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Double tap to wake not working properly


Double tap to wake not working properly

Set the phone up and everything is great but double tap to wake works 1 out of every 5 times. Definitely something is wrong there.

With the Sony launcher double tap to sleep works fine so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

I tested this with the stock Sony launcher and Nova enabled and both have the same issue.

This isn't my phone obviously, but this is similar to how my phone is behaving:

I tried it with the phone in my hand, and also laying flat on a table.
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Same issue. Man, I hope this is a software issue. The absence of an always on feature makes it real annoying to unlock the phone everytime I want to check notifications. 😕

Sounds great! Bet you can enjoy your phone properly now!

Can you go in to service menu and check pressure censor. I wanna know how much milibars do you see there. Btw i probably found the problem. When dt2w starts working i rapidly tried it and worked perfect. But When i left it for some time the screen touch censor hybernating to decrease battery consumption. I talked one of my friends Who is good at softwares. He Said that if you have any option to close or activate it, its Just a software trick and it Will work by luck. Its same in htc or lenovo or other brands. Only LG did it by original. So Its all about software and luck. These are Only our thoughts. If there is really a hardware problem Sony Will do the work.

@sunking101 would you mind checking one last thing on your phone now this issue is resolved for you. Just out of interest to see what 'touch firmware version' yours is running by doing the following:

In phone dialer type *#*#service#*#* (numbers that spell service) then go to service info / software info and the version shows near bottom of screen. Mine starts with :

S3330, family 0xb0, fw rev 0x07.01

Would be interesting to see if yours differs. . I'm not sure if this relates to tap to wake but may be helpful to see.

Thanks ☺️

Basically if you dont have any problem about any other functions like display or touching or gyroscope it means all of sensors are working correctly. And there is no other sensor for this feature. Its using the same sensors only closing back screen Light. It has to be software problem. In my country replacing with new one is kinda impossible. I hope its all about software...

My touch firmware is the same as yours, too long to jot down but it starts the same as yours.
Interestingly I installed the Live Lounge update and my double tap to wake went wonky again. Just uninstalled the update and all is well again. Can others try uninstalling this update? It certainly points to software rather than hardware being the culprit even if this doesn't fix it for everyone.


Hi I just got my Xperia XZ last thursday. Im so excited because I had a bad experience in my Z5 Premium Dual that has a heaphone jack port issue.

When I open the box and boot the phone everything is fine. After few days of using it, I suddenly notice that the double tap to wake up is not that responsive. I have to tap more than 3 times and faster so that the phone can detect my tap. Tap to sleep works fine, though.

Can someone from Sony clarify if this issue is a software issue or a hardware issue? Atleast, users here may have a reference whether to wait for a software update fix from Sony or send the defective unit to the local repair shop.

I think this is the least thing that Sony representatives can do here. Not mentioning, that it is already an inconvenience from our side because this is a brand new premium phone and it shouldn't be like this.

I hope we could get answers at the earliest. Thank You.


hey all , 

same issue here from UAE , I bought device before 2 days ago , screen look like "frezing" when I want to tap it as double click ,some time working after 3 times or more !  also when the screen on I cant close it by the same way (double click

Also , it has poor network reception , is it that normal ??

I did the factory reset , still the same issue !

I think this is hardware problem

sorry for my language that so weak >

Can you try the solution that Sunking101 suggested. Try to uninstall xperia lounge and see if it works.


I had disabled Xperia lounge, still same issue