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Double tap to wake not working properly


Double tap to wake not working properly

Set the phone up and everything is great but double tap to wake works 1 out of every 5 times. Definitely something is wrong there.

With the Sony launcher double tap to sleep works fine so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

I tested this with the stock Sony launcher and Nova enabled and both have the same issue.

This isn't my phone obviously, but this is similar to how my phone is behaving:

I tried it with the phone in my hand, and also laying flat on a table.
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I got lucky I guess, most of my problems went away after a system restore. It's all about the optimizations that Sony are preparing for the 7.0 update.


We know how to tap and we know how it works. Owned a Z3, Z5 and now XZ.

Already tried tapping differently on the XZ giving it time such as tapping slowly twice even three times. 

Tapping right in the center; holding the phone in the hand. 

Even shaking it so it "wakes up" first before tapping. Same thing.

Done a factory reset, same problem.

We just need a confirmation that it's a software issue and not hardware. That's all we need !


Let's hope it's a software issue, or rather, it should be a software issue, because everything else works for you right? I also have a Z5 and it works as it's supposed to.

I have some positive news for everyone, this 7.0 concept update for the z3 and z3 compact suggests that it's a software issue.

Fingers crossed it's software. Seems strange how it works perfect for others but not all.

Not sure why Sony support seems to be ignoring this thread compared to responding multiple times in others?

Just to add that in this link they replaced their phone and now their double tap works fine, they have also included a video.

At least they could give some sort of confirmation that it might be software issue and that they are looking into it, but I think they want to be absolutely sure about it before saying anything,which I completely understand as well.

But I think it's a mix of things that is causing these bugs, a mix of new features in the XZ together with the upcoming 7.0 update. I believe these bugs/issues will be resolved with the update.

Definitely, although I would appreciate if they could just give us a simple update saying we're still investigating instead of silence.

Fingers crossed the 7 update resolves this issue, then we can enjoy our xz's ☺️ apart from this issue everything else is great!

I also think this issue will be sorted when we receive 7.0 update. Hopefully not much longer to wait now.

The thing is, when I was onto Sony support about this the guy on the other end of the chat couldn't recreate the fault with his XZ and so I wonder if this problem really has been passed onto the engineers. Also with tap to wake being an option in the menus and switched off by default, how many XZ owners will even know about it? I hate 'hoping' that a bug will be fixed. Tap to wake is important to me and I specifically didn't purchase the S7 Edge because it didn't have the feature, despite that phone having a better display/camera/battery life/build quality and more RAM.