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Double tap to wake not working properly


Double tap to wake not working properly

Set the phone up and everything is great but double tap to wake works 1 out of every 5 times. Definitely something is wrong there.

With the Sony launcher double tap to sleep works fine so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

I tested this with the stock Sony launcher and Nova enabled and both have the same issue.

This isn't my phone obviously, but this is similar to how my phone is behaving:

I tried it with the phone in my hand, and also laying flat on a table.
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144 REPLIES 144

Phone idle is on top of my bat usage 18% by now. My phone got full charged yesterday from 9pm. Now its allmost 6pm and still got 50% and used it every hour attleast today.I can go allmost 2days from day one i got it. I use greenify in each phone i used to have. Maybe that's the reason I don't have any issues on that.

This thread is about double tap, not all bugs. Please use respective threads.

Back to topic: fixed with 417.

39.2.A.0.417 yesterday.
Double tap to wake just works fine now (XZ Dual).
No phone idle since I bought the phone.

After 39.2.A.0.417 update. Double tap to wake has improved but the problem still happens occasionally. Sometime it does not wake the phone at all no matter how many taps. This is weird!


I have the same problem. Double tap to wake up works 5 out of 10 times and only if I tap to the center of the screen. Double tap to sleep works perfectly though. 3 taps, slow taps, fast taps don't help... Stamina mode is off, battery care is off. May be it has been improved in the latest  update but I'm running Marshmallow on my XZ Dual and I don't want to upgrade because of fast battery drain and other issues on Nougat... Waiting for the better update...