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How to clean phone cache after 8.0 update?


How to clean phone cache after 8.0 update?

In 7.1.1 there were option to clean phone cache at once but now after 8.0 update I cannot find it anywhere. So how can I clean phone cache (cache of all apps at once)? Or should I do it one by one??


Accepted Solutions

Hi @mrnino,

The option to clear the cached data for all applications at once has been removed in Android 8.0 (Oreo) due to a decision made by Google.

As @Viridis wrote, there is a feature in the device called Smart Cleaner that will automatically clear the cached data for applications that have not been used for 14 days. You can find this feature in Settings > Assist > Smart Cleaner.

You can also do it manually for each application if you go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > tap on an application > Storage > Clear cache.

I hope that answers your question! Slightly_smiling_Face

View solution in original post


@mrnino wrote:

In 7.1.1 there were option to clean phone cache at once but now after 8.0 update I cannot find it anywhere. So how can I clean phone cache (cache of all apps at once)? Or should I do it one by one??

It's probably because everyone saw it as a fix all solution when it wasn't.

I believe cache cleaning is done automatically now based on app usage, so if app is unused for X amount of days, the phone clears it's cache.

For problem apps that need a cache clear, the manual option remains in the app section in main settings


Hi @mrnino,

The option to clear the cached data for all applications at once has been removed in Android 8.0 (Oreo) due to a decision made by Google.

As @Viridis wrote, there is a feature in the device called Smart Cleaner that will automatically clear the cached data for applications that have not been used for 14 days. You can find this feature in Settings > Assist > Smart Cleaner.

You can also do it manually for each application if you go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > tap on an application > Storage > Clear cache.

I hope that answers your question! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi, I'm wondering how to clear the cache for individual apps; nothing happens when I press 'clear cache' in the storage settings for each app. I'm on Android 8.0, I know about the new system cleaner but need to be able to clear the individual cache on individual apps. Does anyone know why the 'clear cache' button does nothing now, or how I can sort this? 


Hi @Racheycakes,

There won't be any kind of indication that the cache has been cleared when you tap on "Clear cache". The only way to see if it has been cleared is by comparing the amount of data that the cache had before you cleared it. The Clear cache button will also change colour to grey when you clear the cache.

If you go back to Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > click on an app you want to clear the cache for > Storage. Write down or remember what it says to the right of "Cache" > tap "Clear cache" and see if any cache has been deleted.

Keep in mind that you may not be able to get it down to exactly 0, but if the cache only is displayed in kB, it's a very small amount of data anyway.

Let me know if that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi @Jonas

Thanks for the reply, I have tried that already but the cache number always stays the same. It's just not responding at all! Do you have any suggestions on another way of clearing it? I'm not very 'techy' and find this stuff all a bit confusing! I appreciate your advice! 


Hi again @Racheycakes,

That sounds very strange and this is the first time I hear about this.

Is it the same if you try and clear cache for a different application, or are you unable to clear it for any applications in your device? May I also ask what number it stays at and is it GB, MB or kB?

I'm afraid that this is the only way to clear the cache without using a third party application from the Google Play store.

Thank you.


Hi @jonas, the problem happens with every app. I've tried to click the 'clear cache' button individually for every one of them but nothing happens. None of the numbers change, regardless of size. Pressing the clear cache button against each app used to work just fine  but now... Nothing! 


Hi again @Racheycakes,


When you press the clear cache button, does the button turn grey, or is it still colored? It should turn grey when there is no cache to clear.

If it doesn't turn grey, could you try and see if it is the same if you restart your device in safe mode? In safe mode downloaded applications aren't loaded and I'm starting to think that may be one of them is acting up as I have not heard about this before.

Thank you.


I get that too, the cashe clear does not clear it, it only seems to work proper when the i clear the data and that button thens greys out that it done the job