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WiFi says Internet, without internet


WiFi says Internet, without internet

Hey there,

When I turn on my WiFi to connect to my house, it connects but is has a little x on top and it says on the settings "connected, without Internet" (translation from Greek. Don't know if it accurate in English).

Some times it connects quickly without problem. Some times it takes a lot of minutes to connect. Some times it doesn't connect. What is happening?


I have the same problem as other users here. Though, unlike the OP, I just stop getting a WiFi connection at all and the phone keeps switching to mobile data. As soon as I restart the phone the WiFi comes back so unlikely to do with the signal. I have to keep restarting the phone almost every day so this is frustrating.

Please could you fix this Sony.


I believe it's not the from sony but from adroid version oreo and probably from cpu snapdragon 835. Because the same issue have samsung s8 and other phones too. Watch on YouTube.