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Xperia XZ running hot


Xperia XZ running hot

During All these Security Patch updates the XZ is always running hot 

I am on Latest August Build and Have Reset my Phone after that ...

I noticed even after not using the phone it is running 3-4 C higher than my Moto Z play  ... i tried it on safe mode ... same result 

Room Temp = 20 C , XZ temp = 30 C , Z Play Temp 27 C 

I would like to Know any1 else facing this problem ? coz as soon as i start using my phone it shoots up to 36-40C .... 


Sony Xperia Overheating Problems Confirmed image.PNGVirgin media CEO team useless as they are have confirmed all experia handsets overheat even from 30 seconds but its ok theyt are meant to shut down to allow the phones to cool down thats so funny so basically thats that but then they went further with shut down tracking objects, if we have to shut down a feature why have it on the phone at all surely thats a design fault and should be replaced, what does sony say?


Mine is also overheating. It gets extremely hot even for checking mails or texting. It is also running really slow after the oreo 8.0 update. Is there anything to do? 


I got a replacement XZ handset after a big fight with virgin this afternoon and I did this;

Got replacement, charged it fully, first thing I did was check the camera app it lasted 10 mins before any heat warnings on stock android 7.1 opened sony companion and loaded new updates (you dont get a choice) opened camera app at full HD 60fps and it lasted 12 seconds before the phone stated it was overheating and closing apps. There is no additional apps installed all stock!
Android 8 most certaingly does this phone no favours and means as far as the camera goes kills the phone, I an now done with this phone enough is enough!

This XZ was only 1 hour old sony, you know this phone is a brick even more so when you push us to android 8, we all know it is now when are you going to recall them or at least give the community a temp fix?


Sorry Anna I forgot to reply to you, yes you can get your phone reflashed to the early most stable version of android 4.4 or 5.1.1 but why should we this is not a cheap phone and Sony has a duty to look after our interests, but sadly they dont and if they dont soon I for one will never purchase another sony product ever!


Yes.all of sony phone are same  Cann't record a video as it says due to high temperature nd shut down a camera application. 


Mines running hot too thus slowing it down and rendering it useless. 

Come on Sony sort it out. 


Read my earlier response. If needed contact me privately and I can provide evidence of the outcome 


Finally I was able to Uninstall 72 applications from the "current user" and seems that phone now can run smoother than before, like it was on Android 7.1.1. However checked the camera and seems like I cannot resolve the "lava" issue that it gets really hot even with object tracking turned off and FullHD 30fps setting. I was able to record a video that lasts for 5 minutes only. With HD 30fps it lasted for 8minutes, than functions disabled by the phone and switched to 15fps???. With FullHD 60fps it just 2 minutes at room temperature. Stock rom, stock applications... How that's possible? Every time I use this phone I'm facing to lagging, temperature rise and lack of functionalities, and a lot of issues. I'm Really really dissatisfied with the support, we won't get any official resolution or help to get back to Android 7.1.1 permanently. I think they it could been worth to lend us a minimal help. Sony will lose a lot of fans and customers because of this fact... Please transfer our voice to the management. Thank you!