Dear Sony Xperia
I have several issues regarding Sony's latest Ui which I have now in my Z5 Compact.
1: I couldn't put some widget on home screen. Simple widget like yahoo weather and other weather apps I tried, can't be put at the home screen, May I know why? N can u fix it? I've tried reboot n reinstallation, but none is working.
2: Also, why in this Ui, everything will start all over again whenever apps are interchaged.
Example 1: I'm browsing my Facebook apps, then comes WhatsApp notification, so I scroll down the notification & view it. Then wish to go back to Facebook. Unfortunately, Facebook will start again on latest news feed. Why shouldn't it start from where I stopped earlier? So that I don't need to scroll down again and again to skip newsfeed that I have gone through? Because interchanging apps is soooo common and it happens within seconds.
Example 2: Sony support apps.. Also need to start from all over again when we interchange apps. It will start all over again when I went to WhatsApp for a while. So need to redo all over again
And many other apps
Hope everyone got the point I meant
Please improve and fix it
Lastly, when will Xperia update to Marshmallow so that I maybe may experience the improvement?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Please mind my English..