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Noise when switching on Sony Alpha 200 Digital Camera

Noise when switching on Sony Alpha 200 Digital Camera

Recently, I have been getting a noise when switching on Sony Alpha 200 Digital Camera (DSLR-A200K). It lasts for just over a second, and sounds like a quietish (but clearly audible) low-pitch mechanical cog trying to engage but failing. I spoke to someone on the Sony helpline, who listened to it over the handset, and remarked that it sounded like the auto-focus just resetting itself.

Has anyone else had this noise appear at camera switch-on and, if so, what was their camera setting on, and does the noise disappear at camera switch-on on a different setting?

Many thanks for any help.  


does it do this with differenrt lenses?

when you switch on the sensor is shaken as an anti-dust measure - could it be that?

Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it with a 55-200mm lens and the 18-70mm lens - still the same noise. Tried it also with the various 'M' 'S' 'A' 'P' & 'AUTO' etc. settings and still get the same noise. The thing is, the camera never used to make this noise on switch-on.

You know how it is with Sony charging a £115+ fee before they even look at the camera, I don't want it being some simple thing that I could adjust or reset myself - that really would be money for nothing!