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Giga Juke


Giga Juke

I have a sony giga juke.  It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work.  This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains.  Has anyone had this problem.

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Has anyone else tried the software update as it seemed to have fixed mine and Kens so far. I even tried to transfer some music onto the HDD from my laptop. When i get home this morning hopefully it would have finished. Nick

Had the same problem here; started last week, wouldn't turn off fully and then wouldn't turn on again. Followed the advice on here and all fixed! Many thanks to all contributers!

  1. Pull out the wireless dongle
  2. Reset (stop and power off at the same time)/ turn off at the plug
  3. Turn the system on
  4. Turn the system off
  5. Replace wireless dongle
  6. Fixed!

Hi - seems i'm another one to suffer from this problem. Went to my local Sony shop today, but all they could offer was bring it in and we will charge you £55+.

Will keep plugging away at the tips and see if it helps.

I must agree with everyone - spend a lot of money on a piece of kit that doesn't last more than 2 years - shocking!!  (and that's being polite).

Thanks, HDFatboy96.

Last night I tried the suggestion mentioned by others in the forum.  I disconnected my wired ethernet cable, switched the Gigajuke off, switched it back on and everything has been back to normal so far!!.

I still don't think this reflects well on Sony, though, and wonder if they actually read comments on this forum.  If so, I would like you to respond, Sony (perhaps the Chief Exec might like to try to restore my faith in Sony products and service?)

Exactly that Derek. I've also done the dongle removal suggestion by Nick and everything appears to be back to normal Thanks mate.

Just keeping my fingers crossed this is an end to this bizarre 'coincidence'. I'll know where to come if anything else goes amiss.

By the way, I still think Sony have said far more about their commitment to their customers by their LACK of communication regarding this problem.... Cheers all.

Message was edited by: HDFatboy96

Message was edited by: HDFatboy96

Thank the (insert deities name here - ) that I found this thread!

I too have just discovered the same problem with my NAS 55HDE. I've had it for around 3 years and never had an issue, (other than speed and functionality :smileyconfused:) but have just noticed the gigajuke turning into the Knightrider car at every opportunity and then not playing nicely.

My only change is that I now use the iPod dock (never had before) but I'm guessing that this actually a manufacturer issue which has not been publicly acknowledged so could be frustrating thousands.

I will try the dongle fix and see how it goes.

- response after fix applied -

So, some 8 - 9 minutes after posting, my system seems to be ok again! Hells Teeth Sony, just admit your faults and reclaim your reputation!

Cheers you chaps - One happy camper!

Message was edited by: p1lgrim

Message was edited by: p1lgrim

I've been experiencing similar problems for the past few weeks. Suddenly, the buttons would not work. And then the system would freeze (first, when going to stand-by and then when I attempted any second operation: for instance, I could add a picture to a song title, but when I tried to apply another picture to another song, it would freeze; and so on, and on). Resetting the system was the only way. And then I found this forum and I tried the solution of disconnecting the wireless dongle and it has worked so far... Thank you.

All these exact same problems and yet Sony insist it's not a problem on their part....And for that reason alone I'll never buy anything from them again.

The day after I rang their 'customer services' (and I am being kind calling it that), I had an issue with my satnav, I rang Garmins helpline and the difference was amazing. So here's a tip for the support team at Sony. If you want to know how it should be done give Garmin a call!

Glad I found this thread as it's been driving me nuts! Has been like this for a week or so, (not used heaviIly) but I had assumed that this was some sort of internet based software update, but hadn't clicked about removing the dongle and trying the reset again. Will try that tonight.

Anyone think this may be a malicious attack? Sony do have their haters...

Message was edited by: NorthernCoochy

Message was edited by: NorthernCoochy

Hi, The suggested unplugging the 'dongle' and reset idea worked perfectly for me, Thanks for the info. As others have commented, this problem has revealed that Sonys' customer care only goes as far as the nearest till. I will think carefully in future before buying or recomending a Sony product.