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SVR-HDT500 / SVR-HDT1000 - Duplicate Recordings Issue

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SVR-HDT500 / SVR-HDT1000 - Duplicate Recordings Issue

Hello All


For anyone who has these two models HDD Recorders (SVR-HDT500 + SVR-HDT1000) there seems to be an issue when recording.  My mum has one of these boxes and it is recording the same show twice - even though there is only 1 instance in the timer list.


Upon going to the USA Forums, there seems to be others experiencing this issue as well. The people posting on the USA Forums seem to be UK people See:


I am therefore escalating this issue to SonyUK Support in order for them to provide a resolution.


I would urge those that have this problem to post a reply in this thread.


Thank you all.



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Hi largeronald.

Why the hell should Sony customers ring UK Digital Services to highlight or fix the problem? It's not our job to do this. The digital signals arriving at our Sony recorders, whatever the problem is, has to be fixed by the two parties above and not by my 85 year old mother calling them. I just worry that still some Sony Technical staff based in call centres through the World are advising customers to get their recorders fixed at their local Sony repair centre at customers cost. This advice smacks of corporate criminality and is completely wrong. Anybody got a route/contact into National press or TV to highlight this problem? I can find nothing written down from Sony to say the issue is being addressed only comments made by customers on this blog. Sony need to be swamped with emails from everybody with this problem. Phone calls to Sony are not the answer

Sent from my iPad

I noticed the same "will turn off when finished recording" message too.  Turned back on and pressed REC STOP on the remote. There was a program titled [EMPTY] in the list so I stopped it. But nothing was recording in the first place.!?


Hi - thanks for your post - Its pity BBC Watchdog is not transmitting at the moment (Just as well it would probably be recored twice) . But someone hopefully will have an "in" with the media can take this suggestion forward..


I'm from Shropshire at the moment having same problems and I have done disc repair, formatting disc, reset etc.

 Nothing works! My firmware is the most recent. This started on Sunday as well. Come on Sony sort it!!!

i too am having this problem for several weeks now it's mainly on channel 5 hd and bbc1 hd it records same program twice doesn't delete timer programs when recorded I have done so many things even retuning my tv to no avail tv keeps going off with no signal appearing and sometimes doesn't record a program at all come on sony please get this sorted can't even record 2 programs at same time now

Have just added the 30th "me too" to the list however thought that I would add that we are also having problems just setting the thing to record & IF it does actually start the recording it then won't stop it or, says it's recording but isn't. Please can someone out there HELP!

Just got problem mentioned on 5Live Radio to see if their tech expert knows how to sort it.

Just got it mentioned on Five Live Radio, their technical expert is going to look into it

I have the same problem here in Wolverhampton and have tried all the same fixes as all the other users. Susect its a software update problem.