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On my VGC-RC202 desktop, I tried installing linux (ubuntu) onto the second hard drive the same way as I managed successfully with my VGN-SZ laptop. I wiped the hard drive and partitioned but upon bootup the GRUB bootloader freezed unexpectently.
My linux installation is far more important than windows therefore I ran a boot & nuke program on both hard drives to wipe them completely and reinstall linux freshly. The boot & nuke program failed to detect either hard disk and thus could not wipe them.
I looked in the BIOS settings and both the 200GB Maxtor 6L200M0 hard drives are present. The hard drive order selects
I then tried using the recovery disks that I created on my SZ series, but they said "Could not detect any hard disks. Press OK to quit". A similar message appeared when I inserted a Windows XP install CD. I really need help understanding what is preventing anything from seeing or installing onto the hard disks, and how to remove it so that I can install linux to my needs - I don't have much need for windows or any of the software bundled with the computer.
Sincerely, Chris.
Hi Chris and welcome to ClubVAIO.
The problem is almost certainly caused because your two hard discs are configured as 'Striped' RAID 0. Your operating system sees just one drive (Volume 0) and data is written alternately to one disc then the other in 'stripes' of data. An individual drive is therefore not readable as it only contains half the data in alternate 'stripes'. When you reinstall your system the default is RAID 0 as you have a hardware Intel RAID chip on the motherboard. You have probably deleted its drivers or the SATA drivers.
The only answer is to use your Vaio Recovery Discs to recover a working system and to reinstall the neccessary drivers.
You can then use the discs again which have a utility on them to disable the RAID configuration and to use your Vaio with two seperate discs. When booting with the Recovery Disc inserted, choose 'Change Raid' at the first menu.
A detailed set of instructions is included in the manual "Recovery Guide" which was supplied with your RC202.
Thank you for your informative reply;
Are the recovery disks for VGN-SZ2XP/C and my VGC-RC202 different? If so I will have to purchase them as I assumed they were the same and did not create copies with my RC202.
(I think I read that they were £55 from vaio-link but could not find the place to buy them)
If I cannot use the same recovery disks as the VGN-SZ2XP/C, please could you provide a link as to where the VGC-RC202 recovery disks are available for purchase?
Sincerely, Chris
Hi Chris,
I'm afraid the Recovery Discs are model specific, so you will need a set for a RC202. You can contact Vaio-Link in several ways - (phone, Fax, e-support) - have a look HERE. You may need to Fax them proof of purchase and a photocopy of your Windows license.
There is probably a way to install from your XP Disc but you will need to change the disc order in the BIOS and hit F6 during the install to load the SATA drivers and the Intel Raid Controller drivers but I'm not sure where you can get these from without buying the Recovery Discs from Sony. They may be included in the Preinstalled Drivers & Utilities Packages which you can download from VAIO-LINK DOWNLOADS or from the Intel site but the only simple (but expensive) option is probably to purchase a set of proper Recovery Discs from Vaio-Link.
Sorry I can't be more helpful but SATA Drives and RAID configuration make matters very complex!!!
Thank you for the fast and helpful support, i'll purchase the recovery disks and reply if I have any further problems.
Thank you for the fast and helpful support, i'll purchase the recovery disks and reply if I have any further problems.