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Cannot play Batman Begins Blue Ray on VGN AR21S

Cannot play Batman Begins Blue Ray on VGN AR21S

I have recently purchased a Batman Begins Blue Ray disc. I cannot play it on my Laptop (VGN AR21S).

The region code for the blue ray disc is correct and it functions correctly as I have tried playing it on another Sony laptop (VGN AR 61M) with no rpoblem.

My laptop will play other discs such as the 6 free ones I recieved when I first purchased the laptop in December 2006.

When I insert this disc the player just cannot read it at all. I have the latest update of Win dvd BD and it just freezes.

Is my laptop not good enough to play the latest discs anymore? I refuse to believe I have paid £2000 for a laptop that won't play the latest discs. Why has their been no further firmware update for my BD player since 2006?

Please help.

Thank you.


Hi Grandmaster Alpha,

have you installed the InterVideo WinDVD BD update for your vaio.?

If not use the following link to download the file: InterVideo WinDVD BD

Yes I have installed the Win DVD update.

The problem is that the BD drive cannot recognise the disc. It just spins it around a few times and then nothing. It dosent recognise the content when I try to browse the disk files nor does it recognise the disk size in my computer.

Hi Grandmaster Alpha

there is a newer version of WinDVD BD available for the AR31S but I don't know if it will install or be compatible with your AR21S.. :thinking:

This update lists that it will fix for some title compatibility issues..

If you want to try installing the update on your Vaio then it can be found HERE

Now it plays the warner bros logo righ at the begining before the dvd menu but still freezer before going into the menu system of the DVD and won't play the movie.

Hi Grandmaster Alpha,

as far as I am aware the WinDVD BD Update above is the latest version.. :slight_frown:

I suggest you either contact Sony Vaio support via e-Support, use the following link to find the contact details: Sony Vaio Support

If you don't get a solution let us know and we will try to help further..

Hi Grandmaster Alpha,

as far as I am aware the WinDVD BD Update above is the latest version.. :slight_frown:

I suggest you either contact Sony Vaio support via e-Support, use the following link to find the contact details: Sony Vaio Support

If you don't get a solution let us know and we will try to help further..

No solutions from them either. As far as their concerned my model can't play the latest release of BD's!!

No solutions from them either. As far as their concerned my model can't play the latest release of BD's!!


Hi Grandmaster Alpha,

can you let me have the e-support case number please..

It wasn't through e-support, I phoned sony tech support directly a few weeks ago. Case no: 1071424.

The advisor said something about my player not being able to play the newer, faster discs because the newer discs have a higher transfer rate or something.

He then called me back the next day and told me he had spoken to the engineers and they said my laptop won't play the newer discs because of this.

Is this right?

I tried again and re-installed the Wind DVD update you suggested from the AR31s update drivers.

The movie will now play, but only after a lot of back and forth reading of the disc and even then the sound is very poor, the voices are very low and don't sound right. Played around with all the settings but with no luck!

Get through one thing at another problem comes up.

Hi Grandmaster Alpha

thanks for the case number, I'll escalate this to Sony and see if they can help further..

The movie will now play, but only after a lot of back and forth reading of the disc and even then the sound is very poor, the voices are very low and don't sound right. Played around with all the settings but with no luck!

Get through one thing at another problem comes up.

At least we are making progress..