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How to install a DRU-510A into the RX202 (too small?)???


How to install a DRU-510A into the RX202 (too small?)???

I just bought a DVD+/-RW. For compatibility reasons I decided for a Sony DRU-510A but the space between the two vertical plastic stripes is smaller than the DRU0510A. So how can I do that????? :smileyconfused::


Hmm, that's strange, normally they're all 5.25 inches. See if you can put it over the strips.

You can't use the internal drive on any RX models due to size restrictions - has to be the external model unfortunately


I think that you mean is you can't slot it in. To do this, you have to remove the purple plastic front. You can get it off if you unclip the 2 clips at the top (after taking the side and top off) and then it should just come away and you can slide your drive out after unscrewing it

Yea I was sure it could fit, after all, why would Sony make a drive bigger than their VAIOs?


Shouldn't ask that, I think it's fair to say that Sony ha multiple minds, so one does not know what the other is doing.
But yes, it should fit, it's just fiddly to get the front off, and remember it's only the top half that cmoes off. That scared me first time I got it off, thought I'd broken it. Oh, the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST point is, it's a sod, if even possible, to get the front plate of the new drive to look like the old one (notice the old one has a purple front, the new one won't)

My CD drive is playing up, and I had a spare 32x CD writer sitting doing nothing, so thought "I know, I'll put that in to make the whole thing work better". Well of course, Sony being so style concious, put a front plate on the drive bays of any drives they put in the RX' which of course needs to be fitted onto the new one otherwise you have a big beige hole where your nice styled drive used to be.

So, I took the front plate off the old one (just clips off) and tried to put it on the new one after removing the front plate from it. It ALMOST fitted. Almost. So, me thinking, I know what I'm doing, took a scalpel to the CD writer drive to make the slots the same size. It was only surface "cuttage" so no actual parts were touched. After getting the front plate to fit nicely on the new drive, I put it back in and plugged it in, the power of course made the drive bay close, which was open until then as I needed access to it, so it closed. Almost. The new face plate was about 3mm to big either side. I thought, sod it, I'll just put the old one back, which I did and all was well, however, I then put the CD Writer back in my old PC. It was broken. It would seem drives don't like to be held upside down while the drawer is open, so unless the thing fits first time (which it might as they are both Sony) DON'T DO IT!!!! Silly me

Thanks for that advice. I'm sure it's best just to leave the drive as it is, because modding can go terribly wrong :slight_frown: I would have thought that new drive would fit well though with VAIOs being their flagship drive.


OK, I've bought a DVD-/+RW to replace the CD-RW in my PCV-RX1 but can't for the life of me figure out how to get it in the case. Sony seem to think all you will ever want to do is take one side panel off their machines as there are no instructions on how to take off the right hand side panel so that I can get to the screws on the drive.

Unless I'm missing some secret lever or catch, I haven't a clue...


As I explained a few posts ago (I think), you need to take the side off, remove the screws, then remove the top (2 clips at the back) which let you get to the cables. If memory serves me, and the fact that I@ve just taken my case apart right now, you don't need to get the other side off.
ONce the screws have been removed, you should be able to slide it back towards the PSU (it won't go out the front), at least in my RX405. You will suffer the same problem I had with fitting face plates unless SOny have cleverly used the same notches in both drives.
Anyway, so you should just remove one side of screws and slide it out. If you can't, the front can be taken off, with a little more force. If it's like mine, then there will be 2 little catches now visible after you have taken the top off. YOu need a wee screwdriver or such like to flip these up, then the front will just come off.
THen you can slide the drive in and out. Shake it all about too if you like :slight_smile: