Share your experience!
Maybe we can group a list of suggestions we think could be an improvement for future firmwares or accessories. Someone could be reading on the other side?
My list would be:
- Add a USB cable with the Vaio pocket (avoiding to carry the base with you) This also helps to the Hard Disk functionality.
- More edition options (edit titles, change order of songs in a group, track number order, etc...)
- Mosaic photo search similar to the by album cover searching)
- Delete a song from the Vaio pocket.
- Case that can be placed in the trousers belt, for example.
- Read Avi / mpg (I dunno if this is possible in any way)
- A FM radio... could be external, in the headphones, like some MP3 players have.
- There is no way i can display the lirycs. Does someone can?
- Titles or names for the Photo Folders.
- Possibility to add the album cover to an existing album in the Vaio pocket (not always from the Sonic Stage).
- We have a clock. Why not an alarm? Let's wake up with a Vaio spirit (jesssus....)
- Skin Editor.
D'you have any others?
Then someone should email all of our ideas to them.
At the end of the day the VP has a long way to go before its an ipod or better. The only reason I bought the VP is because it is the most expensive SONY hard disc player, and I have a sonyy vaio, so it is compatible with sonicstage. In all actual fact, the HD3 walkman is smaller, lighter, easier to use and has more battery life (although it is only available with 20GB). Sony really need to do alot of work with the VP. The next model should have a built in 1.0+ megapixel camera, and should have way more battery life. Games would be a fun firmwareupdate too.
I think half the problem is that no one can agree on exactly what the VP should be - hldomster suggests it should have a camera built in, personally I disagree - I have a digital camera, a flim SLR camera and a phone with a camera, so why would I need my mp3 player to have a camera as well? That's just my personal view, I think my VP is great once it's in my pocket and playing music, which is ultimately what it is designed for. The improvements I would like to see all revolve around ease of use - for example i'd like to see proper playlist integration, as I'm fed up of creating a playlist on my VP and another on my computer, and not being able to transfer either properly (I am aware that you can transfer m3u files using sonic stage, but this is a problem when I have the same track in 4 or 5 playlists and end up with that track listed 5 or 6 times on the album, so I can't listen to the album properly). I don't have a problem with the battery life, I've been using it when playing along to my drums (here a little extra volume would be good - I'm using my ipod for this now purely because it has slightly more volume, but i think there is a limit imposed by the EU) and it was sat in my room for a few days and when turned on it showed about 80% battery remaining - apparently the key is to disconnect the earphones when not in use, hardly a major inconvenience. I very rarely use the picture storage/viewing facilities - but I do use it as a portable hard drive, so a cable rather than a dock would be useful. However, many people on here I know want to use their VPs as rather more than just an mp3 player (mp3s being another essential area for improvement in my opinion), which is fair enough but I think slightly unrealistic, as I think it has essentially been designed as an audio player with a colour screen. Just my thoughts!
I agree. They should work more on the hardware and remove bugs/add feactures to the player himself. I had a ipod before I bouth the VP, I'm glad I changed, Vaio is much better player. It has great small feactures feactures that you don't find in iPOD.
iPod had all the Calendar/Contacts/Games stuff... witch is worthless, I never used them. For the Calendar and Contacts I have bouth my phone (nokia 3660) and my pda, for the games I have a GBA. Multifuntional items become bad examples of all they want to do. Vaio has an extra feacture that is just F a n t a s t i c , and you can't find in iPOD, teh hability to transfer directly photos from a camera, store them a see them.
If you go on vacation either you have a laptop and carry it aroun(naaa don't think so) or you buy half a dozen SD cards
But if you have Vaio, ... let's just say 40Gb or even 20Gb are more then enouth to hold all the photos you can take
About adding a camera.... I'm not buying some more expensive mp3 player just because it has a 1 Megapixel camera inside
I'd lile to see the VP get video, and some games too.
I'd also like to see decent software to upload to the VP and more accessories.
The main updates i want are as follows...
- Photo viewing capability like that of the Jacket Viewer ie lots of small thumbnails visible at one time
-Sensible photo folder names rather than User_01 etc etc. I have 39 photo folders and i can never remeber where the hell ive put the dam things.
-Improved music library editing. In sonic stage everything on the pocket player is treated as groups... You can't view the albums etc which might happen to have different group names etc.
-Skins as the silly firmware update stated it would incorporate GRRrrrr
Those are the main ones. It would be truely awesome if the player could incorporate video playback but it seems like a longshot. Where did this rumour spawn from anyway, who started it... was it SONY themselves? More info on this would be nice. It would amazing to have that kind of funcionality.
Also when do you guys reckon the next firmware update will be ? Im getting impatient!!:smileycry:
The whole purpose of VAIO is to intergrate all forms of media (i've been reading this on sony's website). It is for this reason why the should make a vaio pocket as multifunctional as possible. At the end of ther day the title implies that it is a handheld vaio, and the only other vaio i have is my laptop (although they do tvs now). So it should be trying to be a mini version of my computer. Obviously im not looking for a PDA, but by making it multifunctional it is doing what it says on the tin: VAIO POCKET. What I noticed about my VP is that I was bored with it after a week.
I agree with MadMattUK about all that he said and i am very impatient about the new firmware really like native mp3 support so that i dont have to copy-paste all my music and transfer it with sonicstage too,just because the vp doesnt recognize mp3 files!
some new skins would be great too!
plus a few more accessories could prove a very successful move both for sony and the vp users:smileywink:
i propose that someone gets all the demands in this topic and shapes them into a nice petition like the one created before so that sony can now the customers expectations and work on the new firmware!
anyone with free time around here able and willing to do that?
What I noticed about my VP is that I was bored with it after a week.
My music collection is very eclectic, and there was no need to get bitchy. What I meant was for something costing £330 you'd expect it to be a bit special, especially from sony
My music collection is very eclectic, and there was no need to get bitchy. What I meant was for something costing £330 you'd expect it to be a bit special, especially from sony