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volume control display problem


volume control display problem

hi ive got a sony vaio ar11m and like a lot of vaios it has a button for volume up and volume down. when either of these buttons are pressed a green volume level bar is seen on the screen to indicate the current volume setting. similarly a green text acknowledges the mute on and off. this has not been appearing all of a sudden when pressing either volume up or down and mute buttons. Does anybody know how to get the laptop to display this again. this maybe similar on other laptops so if anybody has resolved this on their laptops please post any possible solutions. any help would be much apprieciated. thanks in advance


happy now....sigh. Why do you always post comments wich has nothing to do with the problem? I mean seriously 3663 is rediculous unless you are having a second life here here :laughing:

happy now....sigh. Why do you always post comments wich has nothing to do with the problem? :laughing:

Deleting the insult doesn't work when you then insult the person who drew attention to your bad manners.

happy now....sigh. Why do you always post comments which has nothing to do with the problem? :laughing:

Deleting the insult doesn't work when you then insult the person who drew attention to your bad manners.

Thank God we have you to judge and tel people what right or wrong....I really don't care about what you think. If you don't like it go cry in a corner and bore other people with this useless conversation. At least I am helping people unlike you......get a life! :tongue:

Thank God we have you to judge and tel people what right or wrong....I really don't care about what you think. If you don't like it go cry in a corner and bore other people with this useless conversation. At least I am helping people unlike you......get a life! 


It is not for you to judge the worth or input of any member of this community and your abrasive tone is becoming tiresome.

This is not the first time that you have insulted long standing and new members alike. I will leave it to the forum manager to make judgement and issue warnings if appropriate.

I have reported this post….

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Thank God we have you to judge and tel people what right or wrong....I really don't care about what you think. If you don't like it go cry in a corner and bore other people with this useless conversation. At least I am helping people unlike you......get a life! 


It is not for you to judge the worth or input of any member of this community and your abrasive tone is becoming tiresome.

This is not the first time that you have insulted long standing and new members alike. I will leave it to the forum manager to make judgement and issue warnings if appropriate.

I have reported this post….

I am not judging the worth or imput of any memeber of this community. As a matter affect you are the one now juding the worth or imput of me, just like the first person telling me what I should or should not do. Pointing your finger at me and telling what you did towards them is judging people....Using idiot was a figure of speech. But some people cant stand a joke. The hahah in front of idiot should tell more then enough. I reacted back on the first guy bc he was really getting involved with something he had nothing do with. Besides he gave no imput at all for the problem. He actually made a muskito a elephant. And you jumped right into it blindly.

If it is not for me or you to judge people why do you report it then....

This is not the first time that you have insulted long standing and new members alike. Really wonder were you got that from. If you claim something you should always prove it.

If you insult me or tell me what to do I react. I'm not a sheep. I have had great influence on this website with the most populair thread ever. So next time think twice before you get involved into something you know nothing about. I know you are supporting your friend but at least try to be neutral.

Now it's done for me and I am not gonna waste ONE more word on this discussion. It has nothing do at all with this thread.

Hope everytbody found the solution for his problem with the volume display problem. Nice to get feedback if it worked

I am not judging the worth or imput of any memeber of this community"

At least I am helping people unlike you......get a life!

Is this not a judgement of worth, and an insult toboot? Btw, the use of a smiley following rudeness does not eradicate the offence, albeit a well known tactic of disguise.

"As a matter affect you are the one now juding the worth or imput of me" -I made no mention of your worth or input.
just like the first person telling me what I should or should not do

The “first person” is a moderator of this forum which entitles him to warn members when forum rules have been transgressed. The forum rules dictate what any member should not do and Thamamus's reply was polite and to the point - unlike your response.

If you claim something you should always prove it.

This thread is currently enough.
Fourth:  If you insult me or tell me what to do I react. I'm not a sheep.

I did not insult you. I merely stated the facts.
Last  Now it's done for me and I am not gonna waste ONE more word on this discussion. It has nothing do at all with this thread.

I am pleased to hear that.

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