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Double tap to wake not working properly


Double tap to wake not working properly

Set the phone up and everything is great but double tap to wake works 1 out of every 5 times. Definitely something is wrong there.

With the Sony launcher double tap to sleep works fine so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

I tested this with the stock Sony launcher and Nova enabled and both have the same issue.

This isn't my phone obviously, but this is similar to how my phone is behaving:

I tried it with the phone in my hand, and also laying flat on a table.
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follow all the suggestion not working.

i feel is like a lucky draw, sometime work sometime don't

but an interesting or irritating thing is when i pick up the phone

and not touching the power button or anywhere on the screen,

the screen sometimes wake up.


Yes I've experienced that. Also, sometimes a long press on the screen wakes it up. Like when I'm lifting the phone up pinched between two fingers

Hi Guys,

I'm a newbee here. he he he

I'm here in UAE and I've sent my Xperia XZ Dual to the shop where I bought it because of the double tap to wake up issue.

After 5 days, their service centre assessed my phone and gave a feedback. At first they were telling me that it is a software issue.

I had explained to the technician that the problem exist when the phone is left on a flat surface for a certain time, the dt2w function will not work as expected. He had tried it for himself. He waited for around 5 minutes and when he double tap the screen it didnt open. Again, he tried but failed for double taps. He tried many taps and faster and it went on.

After that, he didnt told me that it is a hardware issue but they agree to replace my phone because its defective.

Yesterday, I went to the store and got my replacement. Now, the dt2w is working (10/10) but the only matter is I have to tap the phone on the middle part only, whether, it's lying on a flat surface or it is in my hand. The corners of the phone are not sensitive enough to detect the double tap.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the update Sputnex. Good to hear your replacement is working properly.

Interesting that you still have to tap a specific area whereas my z2 can be double tapped anywhere with no issues.

Hopefully this points more to sensitivity settings which can hopefully be addressed in next update.

Fingers crossed we might get a response from Sony support this week as they seem to be replying to lots of other threads apart from this one?

Hi AntCW

Yeah, actually I tried to tap it faster and more times at the corner but its not detecting the tap. When I tap the phone at the middle part it works as expected.

The only question here is that why in my previous z5 premium dual, I tap in the screen any where and it detects.

I am looking forward to the Nougat update and hopefully it can return back the sensitivity of the double tap to wake up anywhere in the screen.

I expect also that a professional person from Sony can clear this matter, officially, for us customers. I mean this is not as bad as a samsung note 7 exploding but, ofcourse, it's an issue that has to be addressed.

Has the issue been sorted anyone?



BTW, what is the expected increase in power consumption for enabling such features as "Tap to wake"? How much is it expected to reduce operational time per battery charge?


Double tap to wake doens'nt work at all. Tried to turn the funvtion on and off, restrted the phone etc. etc. Doesn't work!


Today's system update frustratingly hasn't fixed the touch to wake issue. Are we to assume it's a hardware fault then or do Sony just not care?