
Xperia Z1 MP3


i have my sony Z1 which i upgraded from a Z. i have bought a 64gb sd card for it. i have connected it upto my PC and transfered MP3s direct to the sd card (followed the same process as my Z but that only had a 32gb sd) 

i use the walkman feature to play my music and i have noticed that a large number of MP3s wont play, the phone gives no reason just a box appears saying 'cannot play'. i selected more than a handful of the MP3s it wont play and installed them on my Z and they played fine. 

any1 have any clues?

i have also noticed that alot of MP3s are missing on my phone but they are there once i connect to PC 

im confused :-s



have you got another SD card you can try to rule out a faulty SDcard at present? i did find loading up a SD though the phone was slow, i bought a SD-USB adapter and loadd my card up before putting it th phone



This is a dodgy area.
I got a prefectly good micro sd. Cheaply made, worked fine in other devices though.
It corrupted immediately or within hours of putting movies on it in the Xperia Z1.

It bought a high-end Sony 40 MB/s U1 micro SD - 16GB. I added songs, movies. Up plugged and plugged in without "ejecting" from the pc. I really kicked its a$$.
No problem.

Basically the top end cards are near bullet proof.
And unfortunately it seems the xperia z seris like the smell of napalm in the morning.
I saw on another forum (xda developers I think) that the voltaage for SD cards is max 3.75, but they found the xperia was putting out 4.0. Now DON"T quote me, as I am as confused as any noob should be. But a phone they might be throwing some voltage spikes, runs at 40 degrees, and has a sd card about a centimetre away from the innards that produce that, needs an SD card that can take a right hook form Mike Tyson, or catch a .50 calibre bullet in it's silicon etched teeth.

Go high-end, and get a receipt. If it doesnt work, get a refund. I think K-Mart would be a good starting place.



got a scandisc 64gb class10, well worth the extra £££££