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World Cup 2014 Fantasy Football Thread

World Cup 2014 Fantasy Football Thread

I woke up today as excited as a child creeping downstairs on Christmas Morning to see if the milk and cookies left for Saint Nick and Rudolph have been consumed.

Why? Its World Cup Time of course and another chance to play in the Sony League!

Dan-Dun-Dan-Dan-Da-Da-Da-Da-Daaa (apologies for my Samba Singing - plus its hard for me to type while I'm dancing.)


For those who want to join up and haven't seen the details yet please have a look at the Sony Fantasy League Competition details Here


Please don't foget to confirm your FiFa profile name underneath the blog :thumbsup:


How have other members found choosing their squads?

For me its nice having a couple of decent players but not so nice having Honduras and Iran players too lol

Did anyone manage to buy more than about 5 decent players?





I could have sworn Mignolet was good enough to actually play in the Belgium side.

Unless Sturridge scores tonight I'll be slipping further down too!

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Your lucky Sturridge is even playing after the change to the team :handshake:

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Well I think its all over - It is now ....  England draw in a rather boring game - Sturridge had a couple of good shots, but that was it.


Suarez bit an Italian player - just saw it on a reply.  Must have been hungry :grin:

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Thought this was extremely funny and reposting the following from : HERE



The WiFi SSID and password for the football World Cup security centre have been exposed after a photograph of the nation's federal police brass inadvertently captured the creds written on a white board.


The photograph appeared in local news outlet Correio Braziliense and showed the head of international cooperation Luiz Cravo Dorea standing in the multi-million dollar security centre run by Israeli firm Risco and used to watch video feeds from surveillance cameras around the event's venues.


In the background of the pic, it is possible to read the SSID "WORLD CUP" and password "b5a2112014", leet speak for Brazil 2014.

Wifi fail image

The shot has since been re-Tweeted over 2,300 times.


The bungle is at least the second of its kind to occur this year. In February the security centre at the US Super Bowl scrambled to change its wireless creds after CBS broadcast video which captured an SSID and password. ®


LOL at the password blunder.


"Suarez bit an Italian player - just saw it on a reply.  Must have been hungry :smileyyahoo:"


No, he plays for Uruguay :laughing:


Also, if he's going to pretend he hasn't bitten someone then surely he shouldn't have been rubbing his teeth straight after! rofl




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Maybe Suarez took Tuesday literally.  As in Chewsday.

Couldn't believe what I was watching. Again? He did it again?! And then lied about it after.  :thinking:

I think its quite obvious he ran into the defender with his mouth coinci'dental'ly open.

Any injury is inci'dental'

See what I did there?

"Thank you very much" Exits stage left. (For a lie down lol)



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ROFLMAO !!!!!!


Great find Jumpsuit !!!

Well after a little research it has also been suggested that he tried to bite the same player last year in the Confederations Cup. :anguished:




(Although the photo they are using doesn't actually show show teeth contact.)


However I bet you didn't know that Suarez was sent off in a game for Nacional at the age of 15 for headbutting a referee and breaking his nose. He was given a lengthy ban then.