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I've been running the S370 with a DLNA server on a NAS box for a couple of months. In the last few days its ability to connect to ANY DLNA server has dissappeared. If I try Connection Server Diagnostics, it sees the NAS box, but states "The server does not support DLNA". Well it did !!!
It does this for every DLNA server. I have even tried TVersity running on a PC. Same problem.
However, if I try XBMC running on a laptop, it can see the DLNA servers fine and I can browse their contents.
Can anyone explain why the S370 thinks none of my media servers support DLNA, because they all do.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Tried to register a service request with Sony - no can do. Very informative error message "Sorry - there was an error with your request" ...
Wow, my S470 with M04.R.752 firmware started to work today. I don't know why. I didn't do anything. So let's see if it is permanent.
VERY excited this morning when I saw this post... updated the firmware ... and my S370 still says my Iomega Home Media drive "does not support DLNA" ... YES IT DOES.
VERY disappointed still... boo
Hi just joined as I was looking for answers after just having the same issues to the player I bought last week.
I followed the advice of an earlier reply, reset all personal settings and reset to factory settings, now everything works again.
Thank you anotherguru, do you mean reset all on the player or the server?
Sorry Bathfan, I meant on the blu ray player.
I also found that i couldn't get it working with my wm11 (on win xp) but it worked great with twonky.
Perhaps you should try downloading the free trial of twonky as well?
Good Luck.
I have 2 problems with a Sony Blu-ray Player: BDP-S370
- Problem 1, with the DLNA Media Server connection (Very Important to solve)
- Problem 2, with the playback of m2ts videos recorded with Camera Sony HDR-SR12, the BDP-S370 freezes and resets frequently, bothers us a lot…
Note: The BDP-S370 has installed the latest firmware, downloaded and installed via its own Internet connection.
What happened few days ago: Issue 1
We just installed broadband fiber optic internet and decided to change the IP address range in our facility to just keep the IP address in the new Internet Router.
This means that we changed IP addresses in all devices to, and of course in the DNLA Media Server (LaCie 2 TB).
After the change of IP addresses on all devices, everything is working fine again (all devices), except the BDP-S370 that no longer connects to the DLNA Media Server.
I entered into the Media Server menu (a table of connected Media Servers) and see the server.
I make a Hide on the listed inactive Media Server “Media Space 2-2”, and now it does never appear ever again when I search for it.
I tried changing the IP address of DLNA Media Server, but no effect.
I finally tried Setting the BDP-S370 settings to Factory setting, but no effect.
It lt seems that the BDP-S370 does not forget about the earlier connected DLNA Media Server, that I made Hidden, and will never show it again.
Question: Is the DLNA Media Server registered with it's MAC address (that is eventually not deleted during the application of the Factory setting option) on the BDP-S370 and thus hidden forever?
I’m lost, I’ve no more ideas of what to do with the Sony Blu-ray Player: BDP-S370 in order to make it work again!
Shall I buy a new one ?
Best Regards
I too have this problem - Latest firmware and not working with Plesk Media Server or Twonky.
The s370 does not even appear in the Media Receivers on the twonky config page.
Any ideas?
If you can't beat em, join em. I loaded the server software recommended by Sony: Serviio.
I would recommend this route because Serviio is easy to set up and use BUT I had to compromise and load Serviio to my Sony laptop running Vista. All my Sony kit now sees the server and works 95% of the time (it sometimes loses connection - don't know why).
The downside is my laptop hard drive is now full of home video in high def and I'm running out of space so will need to replace the system sometime soon.
I understand I could load Serviio to my Iomega hard drive (Linux) but don't have the knowledge to do it.
Anyway hope this helps someone.
Hope this helps
The s370 does not see my iOmega NAS Drive but I have found that the PS3 Media player shows on the s370 and sees and plays all the files on my NAS drive.
The PS3 Media server is not just resticted to the PS3
Link :-
ATB YamFazMan
Message was edited by: leunder18