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Why won't "Fright Night 2011" Bluray play on S480 ?


Why won't "Fright Night 2011" Bluray play on S480 ?

Despite trying another Fright Night disk, both Blockbuster rental disks refuse to show anything.

It showed couple of screens that looked like the menu background, and then it looked like the player had switched itself off. Sio I gave it ten minutes to no avail.

I had a look at the disk, but it was very clean with no scratches, so we took it back and got another copy. Exactly the same thing !

The 480 is updated to the latest firmware, and just to be sure, I attempted to reload the firm again to be told "already loaded"

The assistant said nobody else had any trouble with "Fright Night", so it must be the player. However, it played a "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark" bluray perfectly, along with my usual test BD "Avatar - Collector's Edition "


Same problem, I have BDV-E280 all up to date. Black screen and system locks - great!

i've had same problem where bluray discs cause player to shut down tried to play on s370,s580 and ps3 all with same issue all updated to latest firmware the discs all rented from lovefilm are the fighter,snatch,the mummy and bad teacher other blu ray discs play fine and this is first for me as the players are nearly 2 years old and have had no issues before are these just bad discs ?

i have now the same problem also with the blu ray disc movie: HELP

....same problem like fright night on both sony blu ray player unbelievable sony shame on you!!!

only on my sony laptop it works fine...

Hi All,

i dont know about you lot but i will say this, i have watched this thread grow and grow and i think this has gone far enough!, come on Sony where is the solution?, you rely on this forum to gain knowledge from peeps using your products, yet when faced with an issue such as this you hide in the closet!, surely half the work on this is done already with your PS3's and Laptops able to play these BluRays so why is it such an issue with the players, what have you done thats different on the PS3 and Laptops?, and why on earth can this not be implimented on the players?

Answers please, like yesterday would be good!

I logged a case with Sony on Friday 20/4 (as I've got this issue on my BDP-380) and got the below link from Customer Support:

The link as of 5/4 says:

We are currently in liaison with Japan who have suggested that a Firmware update will rectify this problem. At the moment we have no date on when this will be available but we will keep you updated via this article.

Well, I guess we just hold tight and hope for a firmware update. I've used the "notify me" alert on the bottom right hand corner of the above article to get notified when there's a change.

As the OP, I'm surprised and and shocked that it's taken Sony so long to do something about this.

OK, on the scale of things it's not stopping us using the BRP at all, BUT Sony have had our money and our trust for a long time.

I also find it hard to believe a company like Sony can't afford to buy BR disks as part of a copmpatibility and research library. They can be bought new for £17 or less !

I wonder if Sony will be getting out of the complete AV thing as well as TV's soon ?

perhaps they have gone to collect the firmware update in a CANOE!, for all the time its taken.

I very much doubt that Sony is getting out of the AV business anytime soon :slight_smile:

I also doubt the tardiness in investigating this issue has anything to do with Sony's unwillingess to purchase a Bluray disc. I suspect it just comes down to a priority decision on the severity/impact on their customers i.e. the entire time there was a low number of reported cases they just prioritised other issues/fixes above it.

They're clearly aware of the issue now given the above support centre article and I imagine we will get a fix at some point - it's just unfortunate they cannot be more specific about timelines.

Well, looks like it's been updated now:

Update 27-04-2012

A Firmware update is scheduled for this issue Mid May 2012

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Hi all,

can anyone confirm if the firmware update version M07.R.6020 resolved the playback issue..