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Why won't "Fright Night 2011" Bluray play on S480 ?


Why won't "Fright Night 2011" Bluray play on S480 ?

Despite trying another Fright Night disk, both Blockbuster rental disks refuse to show anything.

It showed couple of screens that looked like the menu background, and then it looked like the player had switched itself off. Sio I gave it ten minutes to no avail.

I had a look at the disk, but it was very clean with no scratches, so we took it back and got another copy. Exactly the same thing !

The 480 is updated to the latest firmware, and just to be sure, I attempted to reload the firm again to be told "already loaded"

The assistant said nobody else had any trouble with "Fright Night", so it must be the player. However, it played a "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark" bluray perfectly, along with my usual test BD "Avatar - Collector's Edition "


i habe probably the same problem

its the first time with a blu ray

i have 2 sony blu ray player

and i try 2 fright night blu rayx version, im from switzerland,

i have the home cinema Sony BDV-E380

and the blu ray player Sony BDP-S780,

both updatet!

2 min and nothing happens when i put the fright night bluray on both player

than the sony logo appears and it switch off

whats the problem?

the regional code abc on the blu ray?

are both sony bluray player only regional 2?

i dont now

onyl on my sony

vaio vpccb also with blu ray player it works...

pls sony help me help us...

i give so much money on sony products!

I rented fright night from blockbuster aswell and it will not play on my BDP-S185 player.The system shuts itself down everytime I try to play it.I also swapped it for another copy and same thing happened.

I have the exact same problem.I bought Fright Night 2011 last Fri and the Sony S480 player is only about 2 weeks old.I tried to play it but can not play this format came up and then it switched itself off when it could not load.Its not the disc as I played the disc in the exact same model of Bluray player in the shop I bought Fright Night in and it loaded it straight away.Other Bluray discs play fine in my player its just this one that wont.Myself and my b.f have both called Sony a couple of times but they have been no help whatsoever.What I dont get is the software version on my player is the latest where as the software version on the exact same model in the shop is an old version but yet it plays perfectly.Please HELP!

Hi All,

Please see below an update on the fright night issue..

Sony are looking into the issue that's been mentioned in this thread..

There has been a delay because a copy of the Blu Ray disc has to be sent to Sony Japan, unfortunately, although requests were made to local rental stores for a copy of the 'rental version' of the Fright Night BD, nothing was actually recieved by Sony..

The retail version of Fright Night was released on the 20th February 2012 & Sony UK have ordered a copy of the retail version but at the moment I do not know if that produces the same problems that the rental version has caused..

Has anybody been able to check if this runs succesfully on thier BD player..:smileyconfused:

I bought the Blu-ray of Fright Night from Sainsbury's but it wouldn't play on my BDP-S185. I sent the disc back thinking that was where the problem lay as my Blu-ray player is less than 2 months old but the replacement disc still wouldn't play.  I rang the shop where the player came from and the firmware update was suggested.  I have performed the update and am now running on the "33" version but the disc still won't play!

I'm wondering if they'll let me take the player back for a refund....  :cry:

Bravia55HX923 wrote:

So, who marked the thread as solved when at best its only been escalated!!!.

katzsisters wrote:

That was me. Sorry.

I thought that was it.

Can I unmark it ?

Bravia55HX923 wrote:

LOL, nah probably not!, dont worry about it


just to let you know that this thread has been marked as unanswered again..:smileywink:

deejaymacdee wrote:

I bought the Blu-ray of Fright Night from Sainsbury's but it wouldn't play on my BDP-S185. I sent the disc back thinking that was where the problem lay as my Blu-ray player is less than 2 months old but the replacement disc still wouldn't play.  I rang the shop where the player came from and the firmware update was suggested.  I have performed the update and am now running on the "33" version but the disc still won't play!

I'm wondering if they'll let me take the player back for a refund.... 

Hi deejaymacdee,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

Thanks for the info regarding the retail version, I'll forward that onto Sony..


We bought Blu ray of Fright night from Amazon. We have a BDPS380 Not only does it not play the disc, it also jams up the machine and you have to turn it off at the wall, in order to even get the disc out of the player.

We are using the latest version of the firmware. Our player is only 2 months old

Message was edited by: togwag

Message was edited by: togwag

Hi deejaymacdee,

welcome to Questions & Answers..

Thanks for the info regarding the retail version, I'll forward that onto Sony..


Dont you think its about time Sony got their head out of the sand on this one!

Bravia55HX923 wrote:


Dont you think its about time Sony got their head out of the sand on this one!

To be fair on this one I think Sony had dificulty in obtaing a copy of the fright night BD & had to wait for the retail version to be released so that they could purchase a copy & forward to Japan..