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New WinDVD BD update dated 17.03.08


New WinDVD BD update dated 17.03.08

Has anyone had any luck installing this update?
Tried with my FZ21Z running Vista and get message "a fatal error has occurred while installing WinDVD" at the Installshield Wizard. The green progress bar only gets half way.
Any ideas?

109 REPLIES 109

Hi all,

Sony are still working on the problem and have asked if it would be possible for one of you to recover your C drive back to factory settings and then try to install the Win DVD bd updates..?

Also did any of you install the Vista PS1 update prior to trying to install the WinDVD BD update

Hi, I tried yesterday to re-install winDVD from the factory settings. My Vaio is brand new and never did play a commercial BD which I acquired to test. The program is not in the list of possible candidates to be re-installed. I also did try to repair the installation of winDVD from Vista and I got an error message telling me that there is a missing file and it goes to the F drive to get it. "f:\mnt\windvd.msi" I reported all this to Sony e-support and still without answer. I used Google to get information about the file "windvd.msi" and I found near 7.000 entries. let see


It would seem that everybody who has had a problem with the update had version installed previously. But I suppose most people would have had that anyway  :kissing:

I had this problem with a brand new FZ21M and WinDVD version installed.
After Sony pulled I can now upgrade to but still have the same issue trying to upgrade to

Therefore I don't think it is a problem with but rather something with
I am intrigued that some people have had success with a FZ21M implying something is different about there Vaio when literally all I have done is run the initial software setup then try the update.

Same here - my FZ21M is brand new and I also had this problem with this update. I also think that there are some existing issues with the preinstalled version of WinDVD which occassionally has the "Not responding" problem and not able to shut down properly. I had to manually kill the process on many occassions.


I have always had hanging and crashing issues with the BluRay software on my Vaio. I thought it may have been something else on my laptop that was causing a conflict but after reading some of the other posters here it looks like there are issues with the software anyway.

Shame that the update installer is not working, I was hoping that the new version had ironed out some of the problems that are in the current version.

Has anyone heard whether the updated version will be re-released again and if so when? I am off on holiday soon and wanted to take my laptop and some bluray movies with me to keep me entertained :slight_smile:


I've just had this update from Sony:

Thank you for your patience.
The update has been removed from the website and we are working on it. We will repost it onto the website when it has been updated.
Sony Vaio-Link Team


Cool, well just have to sit back and wait for the update :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting us know.


Hello All

The update has caused my installation of WinDVD to fail to run. I have therefore removed it think (what a plank I am!) it would be in the utilities and applications ZIP file- wrong! This is SO frustrating....

So for me now - recovery is not possible - following this broken patch can SONY provide us for a limited time the original package so that we can at least get back to a stable .425 installation??



Hi _Tone_,

If you have removed Win DVD BD from your Vaio, boot into safe mode and try running a system restore to the point before you removed the application..

To boot into safe mode, Start your Vaio and when the Vaio logo appears press the F8 key repeatedly..


Hi _Tone_,

If you have removed Win DVD BD from your Vaio, boot into safe mode and try running a system restore to the point before you removed the application..

To boot into safe mode, Start your Vaio and when the Vaio logo appears press the F8 key repeatedly..

Hi There
Thanks for this - have now performed a rollback to just a few days ago but its rolled back to AFTER the failed update, so now I have the software installed but when I run it I get a Windows MFC error.

Do you think a new update will fix this?

The earliest I could SYSTem Restore back to was 24th but unfortunately the failed update had already messed it up.

Any further news on the update at all?



Hi _Tone_

Check your Private Messages. I have sent you a PM with some suggestions.



Haven't forgotten about us have you?

Still can't play BD properply!