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New WinDVD BD update dated 17.03.08


New WinDVD BD update dated 17.03.08

Has anyone had any luck installing this update?
Tried with my FZ21Z running Vista and get message "a fatal error has occurred while installing WinDVD" at the Installshield Wizard. The green progress bar only gets half way.
Any ideas?

109 REPLIES 109

Hi, same problem here.

My Vaio is an AR51J and my WinDVD version is 8.0 DXVA B08.425

As for uninstalling the old version, you shouldn't, it's an update.


Yeah I think that removing the older version is probably not a good idea, I don't have the original software to re-install as it was pre-installed on the laptop when I got it.

I have a VGN-FZ21Z by the way, forgot to put that in my first post :slight_smile:


Same here, I have a vgn-fz21M.

And I'm still unable to watch BD.... 10/10 for sony....

Hi Chanandler,

have you uninstalled the pre-installed version of Win DVD.?


they need to sort this update quickly as it adds the BD 1.1 profile to it if they dont some Blu-ray discs wont play

come on sony get it sorted pleeeeeeeeeasse :devil:


After installing Vista SP1, I still have the same problem with this WinDVD update. ( ar51j )

I reported this issue, as said earlier to Sony eSupport.
I have received the following reply, and have sent the following reply.
Please note that the first part of both messages refers to a screenshot of the failed update.

*** NOTES 24-Mar-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr Donald,

Thank you for your reply. If possible could you open the file in a program like paint and save it as a lower quality .jpg file and mail it into us?
Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
We are currently working on resolving on a resolution to this issue however we do not as yet have a time-frame for any new patches.
In the mean time if you wish to watch BD disks you would need to restore the unit or possibly recover it to get it working correctly.

You can do this by restarting the unit and tapping F8 from the moment it boots, it will come up with a menu at which point you select Safe mode.
Start into safe mode and click on the start button in the start search box type in Restore and select system restore from the list, click next and on the screen that lists the restore points tick the box to show older restore points and then select one of the older ones prior to the BD update. Continue through the tool restart and test the unit.

And finally to do a recovery please do the following, be aware that it will wipe data from your C: so please backup files before proceeding.
Shut down the unit, have the unit plugged into AC.
Restart the Unit, tap F2 to enter BIOS you will have a screen titled Phoenix Bios.
Press F9 then press Enter. Press F10 then press Enter.
Start Tapping F10 as the unit reboots.
Unit will boot into Vaio Recovery Toolset, it may ask you to select or edit boot mode, just press enter.
Go through the Vaio recovery wizard and select C: Recovery.
This process can take up to 2 hours total, When it is complete it will be back to factory defaults.

If you need any further help please advise us and we will be happy to follow up on the issue with you.

Sony Vaio-Link Team

Nicholas, Thank you for your response and suggestions.
I have, as requested, sent a reduced size format of the screenshot of the Windvd BD update error.

I have not complained that Windvd BD doesn't work (the older version). It does work, apart from the odd "Not responding". I can watch BlueRay discs as is. My complaint is that the Vaio Update to the newer version does not run.

As for your suggestions to possibly recover my system because of an update that Sony issued I find amazing. It is particularly worrying that such a drastic action be suggested for trying to run an official update which failed! Especially as more Vaio updates seem to fail first time than run first time!
I have paid almost £2000 for a laptop capable of running BlueRay discs with full 1080p output. I don't expect to have to recover my system because an update fails! That is ridiculous.
As I have stated earlier, many people are posting this same issue on your Vaio-link forum - all of which had the same previous version of Windvd BD.
In the circumstances I am very glad Windvd BD still works. I will be very wary of installing any further vaio updates if it can necessitate the recovery of my system if it fails!
Thanks you,
Mike Donald


Hi Chanandler,

have you uninstalled the pre-installed version of Win DVD.?

Hi Thalamus,

No I have not uninstalled the original version yet as I was unsure as to whether the version that is on the update site is a full version or an upgrade and as I didn't get the BD software on disk or anything I didn't want to risk not being able to watch any BD movies..... My BD collection has grown hugely since getting my lovely Vaio, I watch movies on it all the time now lol.


I have a brand new Vaio FZ21M with WinDVD Version 8.0 DXVA B08.385 and have the same problem.
As I said this is brand new and the first thing I tried to do after setup before any other updates or software installs was this WinDVD update.
Therefore I don't think a system recovery is going to help any one.
Lets hope Sony/Intervideo find a solution soon.

Hi Chanandler,

have you uninstalled the pre-installed version of Win DVD.?

Hi Thalamus,

No I have not uninstalled the original version yet as I was unsure as to whether the version that is on the update site is a full version or an upgrade and as I didn't get the BD software on disk or anything I didn't want to risk not being able to watch any BD movies..... My BD collection has grown hugely since getting my lovely Vaio, I watch movies on it all the time now lol.

Hi Chandler

Oh ok great, I was concerned as the the Win DVD BD on Sony Vaio's support site are only updates..